
About Me

Hi! I’m Lindsey, a family and wedding photographer based out of Snoqualmie, Washington. My husband and I have four kids (three boys and a girl). I know how crazy life can get, and I’m pretty sure nothing your kids do during our photo session will surprise me!

I worked as a Realtor before starting a family. Then I went back to work between kids 3 & 4 at a graphic design studio, where I worked as a project manager. What I loved about that job is the same thing I love about being a photographer. Both are a blend of the technical and the artistic, the business side and the personal.

What do I do for fun? I love hot yoga and anything on the water — sailing, swimming, paddle boarding — doesn’t really matter, I just love being on the water! I also enjoy singing and dancing, and I’ve always wanted to learn to play the piano and guitar.

What Kind of Photographer are You?

I am a photojournalist, a “visual storyteller.” My work can is fun, creative, and authentic.

My husband and I started photographing weddings together as a side gig twenty years ago, just when digital was eclipsing film. I assisted, or “second-shot” with him, which I think really honed my style. While he captured the traditional shots, I was always after the other perspective or angle, so I got accustomed to thinking outside the box and getting creative with my shots. This skill is so useful with family photography, particularly with little children who don’t want to sit still and say “cheese” on demand!

About Your Session

Leading up to your session, we will determine a time and location for your shoot. I also like to get an idea of what you want to get out of your session. Beyond that, I am available to help and give input as little or as much as you like. I can recommend clothing or color schemes, shot ideas, props – you name it.

If the weather doesn’t cooperate

I am a Pacific Northwest Photographer. I can work in the rain. But I also understand most people don’t wish for rain during their family photo session. I get it. You made an investment in family photos and you don’t want to spend the entire time drenched. I’ll be in contact leading up to your session, and I keep an eye on the weather forecast. If things don’t look good I offer several options:

  1. We do the session in your home. Kids are comfortable in their own home and this type of session allows for lots of family details to be captured.
  2. We select a location with cover.
  3. We reschedule.

Turnaround Time

I aim to send galleries within two weeks of sessions. I also show sneak peeks on Instagram and Facebook within 2-3 days, with family permission.

What do I get to keep?

You get to keep all of the images! I want you to enjoy them, put them on the fridge, send them to grandparents, and share them with friends. You receive color and b&w verstions of everything.

How do I Book a Session?

Please email me at lbking@gmail.com.

I look forward to working with you soon!